back to nature

Best wishes for a happy and healthy 2024!

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Best wishes for a happy and healthy 2024!

The show season is ramping up! We’ll be opening with the Dunedin Fine Art Festival ~ January 6th and 7th from 10:00 am – 5:00 pm. Then… we’re in Bonita Springs, Lakewood Ranch and finish January at St. Armands.
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I’ve been working on something a little different I’m excited to share!
I am pleased to introduce the “Back to Nature” Series! These will make wonderful sets, or choose your favorite and it will make a fabulous statement on it’s own.
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Force of Nature
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Mother Nature
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Better Nature
22c1f726 30cb 4b28 ab31 82e206fe4082
Second Nature
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Back to Nature
Shop these Giclee prints 

Experiments in Recycled Abstraction

Many days after long hours in the studio, I have gathered up the paper scraps on the floor and admired how interesting and beautiful the shapes and colors were. There were always the pieces I couldn’t bring myself to sweep away. So the big box of scraps started, and built over the years!
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When I collage, I make different things out of paper that don’t always work. Just yesterday I made about 12 blue leaves that didn’t fit where thought they would, so those go in another box!
I always knew I would do something with the “left-overs”, I just couldn’t place when or how. That’s what I love about Art, it mimics life. There are those boxes of things that we hold on to, that we know are important or will play a roll in our future, but we just don’t always know how or why.

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653ec62c 9786 4cda ba54 5e95b49a5dfc

We are attracted to them, and compile them, for many different reasons. In fact, there are scraps in the boxes I have looked at so many times over the years, that I grew attached to them!

The impetus came when my Aunt Belle, who knows I love Matisse, visited his “Cut-Outs” show currently on exhibit at the MOMA in New York, sent a portfolio of some of these works as a gift. Inspired, I finally gave myself the time to experiment, and to trust an intuitive flow of ideas and decisions on color, balance and compositions of my own.

It’s a joyful and freeing experience to work in this way, and I hope the feelings I had while creating them, comes through. A little random playfulness…and pure joy!

2024 Winter Show Dates

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January 6th-7th: Downtown Dunedin Art Festival
Address: 271 Main Street in Dunedin, FL
January 13th-14th: Bonita Springs National Art Festival
Address: 10450 Reynolds St, Bonita Springs, FL 34135
January 20th-21st: Lakewood Ranch Fine Art Festival
Address: 8100 Lakewood Main St, Bradenton, FL 34202
January 27th-28th: 21st Annual St. Armands Circle Art Festival
Address: 1 St. Armands Circle in Sarasota, FL
February 10th-11th: 10th Annual St. Petersburg Fine Art Festival
Address: South Straub Park, Bayshore Drive Northeast, St. Petersburg, FL
February 17th-18th: 18th Annual Coconut Point Art Festival
Address: 23181 Via Villagio Drive in Estero, FL

Please see my website for information on shows for the rest of the season.

You can see all my work and get further info online: