Getting out these acrylic spray paints I’m obsessed with! I’ve been cutting leaves off palms and philodendrons around here .., looking, studying ..thinking about colors.. I love using real leaves like stencils! .. I’ve been into my yard this summer ..and botanical works are bubbling to the surface.

These shades of blue .. I’m into!!! I like using unexpected colors.. art gives you that license .. why not blue leaves ?!?! More to come.

Making more.. and bigger leaves.

The great thing about collage is I get to see how colors will look before committing ..nice! I cut things out often .. that I don’t end up using .. but those always work in something else.

Working on a few more details on these toasted yellow-y flowers for the bottom.. just love this color with these blues!

Back to more leaves today .. the bottom needed more dark colors .. almost there!

My paper Birds of Paradise .. some pops of different oranges in here

It’s funny how after some time working on a piece .. you come to know as it’s emerging ..especially the relationship of colors .. this needed some darker olive-y greens .. so last pop of color!
It’s funny how after some time working on a piece .. you come to know as it’s emerging ..especially the relationship of colors .. this needed some darker olive-y greens .. so last pop of color!

Here she is … I think? I’m done?!