Banana tree art

Sarasota – St. Armands is this weekend!!

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Sarasota’s St. Armands Circle Art Festival

This weekend! Jan 25/26 10am-5pm
(then Artfest Fort Myers and St. Pete)

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“Yes, We have no Bananas”

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“Tally Me Banana”

Come mister tally man, tally me banana…. 

A wonderful Cocktail Banana tree is growing in my backyard and for the first year, its produced some cute little bananas. Its constantly sprouting out new growth from the top and the bottom. I’ve fallen in love with these leaves! Contrary to the many palm trees I’ve created, these leaves are soft, broad, billowy and glossy. The arch of each leaf is so elegant as they gradually unfold from thier tightly wound stalks when they come in. About the time I was creating these, Beetlejuice was coming out and the famous Banana Boat song or Day- O was on repeat in my mind, so it was serendipitous to use this sheet music and lyrics for some of the papers. If your looking for a set, I’ve adjusted these so they could be the same size to make a suite of two pieces. 

Both originals are available, and I will offer prints as well.

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Visit to see more

February and March Shows

Jan 31st,Feb 1&2 Artfest Fort Meyers~ Downtown Waterfront

Feb 8&9 St. Pete Fine Art Festival ~ S. Straub Park

Feb 22&23 Naples National ~ Cambier Park

March 1&2 Downtown Venice Classic – Venice Ave.

March 8&9 – Lakewood Ranch Fine Art Festival

March 22&23 Downtown Naples- Cambier Park

April 4,5&6- Delray Affaire – Atlantic Ave.

(We may attend Mayfair by the Lake in Lakeland in May- check back)

From the Studio

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If you are not able to make it to a show, you can browse all works at

I am always adding new pieces to the collection!

Delivery on Framed giclees is about 3 weeks.

Orders for original embellished giclees will take around 8 -12 weeks.

Originals can be shipped within the week.

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(512) 576.8233 Jennifer
(941) 716.5994 Steve

“Art washes from the soul the dust of everyday life” Pablo Picasso