Tally Me Banana


…Come mister Tally Man, Tally Me banana..
A wonderful cocktail Banana Tree is growing in my backyard and for the first year,  its produced some cute little bananas. Its constantly sprouting out new growth from the top and the bottom.  I’ve fallen in love with these leaves!  Contrary  to the many palm trees I’ve created these are soft, broad, billowy and glossy. The arch of each leaf is so elegant as they gradually unfold from thier tightly wound stalks when they come in.  About the time I was creating these, Beetlejuice was coming out and the famous “Banana Boat Song” or “Day- O” was on repeat in my mind, so it was serendipitous to use this music for some of the papers. If your looking for a set,  I’ve adjusted these so they could be the same size to make a suite of two pieces.
24×36 – framed in a Larson Juhl silver Float frame

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