Hot Legs


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I’ve been referred to many times as the “Octopus Artist”. I got on a real kick of making these and they’ve been so enjoyable I’ve made them in many different compositions and colors. The elegance and playfulness of their tentacles are fun to layer, and wind around each other and the canvas. While making the octopus Ringo Starr, I learned that Octopus pick up shiny objects while they travel along the ocean floor and put these sparkly items in piles or “gardens”, as Ringo wrote. So I thought it was fitting to add sparkling paper and gems to all my octopus tentacles. Music lovers will also appreciate the title Hot Legs, inspired by the Rod Stewart song. It seems fitting for these dancing feet! These pieces are more refined color-wise, with very soft sea foam greens, some light blues and shades of gray and white. They make for a great set of two or three, and can be hung in many configurations in any coastal home. These Octopuses are also popular bathroom art, as they are serene and calming in watery settings. I used pearls and crystals on the tentacles so when you look at Hot Legs, you’ll notice the ornamental quality which looks as if it’s shining and reflecting light, a little fancier than your average Octopus!